
Wii U With The Nintendo Wii

Perhaps most people think Nintendo Wii and Wii accessories instead of when you started the Nintendo Wii U at E3. But the leader said that the Nintendo Wii is still sold with the Wii U, the Wii and the Wii U are two different products of the game. I will not leave the Wii on the market for Wii U. 

The U Wii is one of the games that appear to be developed for the new console's power was THQ Darksiders II. In line with THQ, the Wii U version of Darksiders II will take advantage of Nintendo's innovative hardware with application functionality for the innovative controller. Darksiders II is the sequel to the award-winning action-adventure game, and follows the exploits of Death, one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, in a story that runs parallel to the events of the original Darksiders game. Today THQ has talked about his involvement with developing one of the first games for the Wii U, with Travis Air, vice president of global brand management, THQ saying, "We are very excited by the possibilities Wii U and look forward to bringing Darksiders II the public of Nintendo. "

In the era of England industry receive the interviews from IndustryGamers media, financial analyst Arvind Bhatia Sterne Agee's show is a bit 'of reliable information, that the Wii could exceed active service family console services. "I requested for a small opening," he said the processing power of the Wii U is even higher at 50% compared to the PS3 and X360, but have not received confirmation from Nintendo ". In comparison to analyst forecasts without foundation over the years, this one is more reliable sound. The price of the Wii U is not safe, but should not exceed the greater part of the video game console Wii.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea the Wii U processing power was so high. I might have to take another look at this system. Maybe I'll buy one. I've never had a Wii but I love nintendo games in general. I loved my old n64


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