The best games for PS3 and XBOX 360
The PlayStation 3 (released in 2007) from Sony and Microsoft's XBOX 360 (released 2005) are two popular new generation consoles bringing out games that aim to enhance gameplay, achievement, real life likeness through graphics and most importantly hours of enjoyment. They both even have a trophy system which lists your achievements on each game. These consoles would be nothing without the games that in many cases help sell the consoles, and these games try to enhance the fun factor through impressive visuals, content and storylines. You can find these games at an affordable price from online retailers like with free delivery and Amazon where you can choose to buy new or used versions as you can on other sites like eBay. Some of the following games are on both platforms and are best sellers:Grand Theft Auto IV is the centrepiece of game maker Rockstar's portfolio that also includes popular games like Red Dead Redemption and LA Noire. Grand Theft Auto IV debuted on both platforms in 2008 and is an immensely popular third person sandbox game. There are between 25 and 35 hours of playing time with the main missions' storyline as well as numerous side missions. The game contains a redesigned Liberty City, last seen on the old XBOX and PlayStation 2 seven years previously, based on the city of New York and these new consoles show an impressive and detailed city landscape and improved graphics and gameplay.
FIFA 11 is the most recent offering from EA Sports in the long running and big selling FIFA football game franchise. Sales still continue to be strong and there are no stand out competitors to football games as FIFA games has the official licenses for over 30 leagues and all the clubs within them as well as more player likenesses than ever before. On both consoles there is something called a skill stick that can bring you closer to the action and make you play more like the professional footballers you see very week. Like many other cross platform games, there is not much difference in gameplay on FIFA on both consoles. FIFA is developed yearly so expect to see FIFA 12 by September 2011.
One of the best selling games on PS3 and XBOX 360 was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Black Ops. The good thing is the frequency and quality of the games released. It is a first person shooter combining both war and strategy and really pulls you into that war environment to an intense and graphically impressive degree. Many consider it one of the greatest games released for the XBOX 360, but are just as popular for the PS3. You should find them, along with many others in the Call of Duty franchise; at online retailers from under £20 - making this a worthy investment.
There are other games of significant note and these include the ever popular Halo 3, an XBOX 360 only game which was a concluding part of the trilogy. The first person shooter made by Bungie sold over 8 million units worldwide in 2007 and saw a prequel two years later. Metal Gear Solid is another successful gaming franchise praised for its graphics and plot. Reviews of the most recent in the series, MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots got almost perfect reviews from all quarters. Gran Turismo, with its fifth version ‘Prologue', available at all good retailers, is the most successful driving game made only for the PlayStation 3 and has sold over 6 million units worldwide.
These are just some of the best XBOX 360 and PS3 games. Most of these are tried and trusted franchises which sell big on both consoles. There are many others out there and at an affordable rate. Most of the games previewed are over two years old and can be found for under £20 online and in high street retailers. The even better thing about these games is that most of them can be played no matter which of these two consoles you have.
-- U.K based journalist, Martyna Sroka writes about fashion, online shopping, food and drink, home and garden and other online shopping experiences, industries and outlets including: eBay and Amazon.
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